Wednesday 12 September 2012

Did I really just sell my car?

It feels so surreal to have sold my car today... My very first car, that's been all mine for 6 years.

Three children have messed up that car... They've covered seats with jelly beans, chips and popcorn; and spilt juice, Slurpees, and milkshakes. Apple cores have been left on its floor (and forgotten about), biscuits have been crunched into its carpets, mud has been smeared onto the insides of its doors, and my latest favourite - Chocolate... Melted into the arm rest.

Two of my children have tried at different times to be helpful and clean it <cringe> with rocks...

It was a comfy car. All of my children have slept in that car... Simultaneously. But then, as they grew bigger and became more, it was a bit of a squishy car...

That car has travelled near, far, and very far. It's seen sunshine, rain, grass, trees, dirt, water, and sheep. Road trips have left it muddy and dusty, and sometimes smelling like pizza and Starburst...

 Which seemed to attract stray cats.

My kids have entertained themselves for hours and hours in that car... Because they had no choice on those long road trips.

I had laughed so hard in that car one night, when my husband decided it would be funny to take up the entire double driveway with his giant car on the way back home from a date night, so I parked him in...

 A pigeon has even nestled itself on top of that car... While I was shopping.

For a day, that car was actually driven into our garage! ... Now to my dismay, only toy cars are driven in there, because there is lots of gym equipment, and no room for a car.

Footprints were made - both in my heart, and on the back of the car seats...

It feels so surreal that it is no longer mine... It feels like I've just let someone borrow it... For a long time... And they gave me money for it... And will never give it back.

Lucky it had a professional detailing job by my youngest this morning...

With baby wipes.

Good bye, car. You have been wonderful to me.

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